Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (2024)

Table of Contents

  • +Introduction
    • 1. Contents
    • 2. Lore
    • 3. Outline
    • 4. TL;DR
      • 4.1. Tanks
      • 4.2. Healers
      • 4.3. Everyone
    • 5. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
    • 6. Changelog
  • +Abilities
    • 1. Overview
    • 2. Eonar
      • 2.1. Essence of the Lifebinder
      • 2.2. Life Energy
    • 3. The Paraxis
      • 3.1. Paraxis Artillery
      • 3.2. Rain of Fel
      • 3.3. Spear of Doom (Heroic+ Only)
    • 4. Legion Ground Forces
      • 4.1. Fel-Infused Destructor
      • 4.2. Fel-Charged Obfuscator
      • 4.3. Fel-Powered Purifier (Heroic+ Only)
  • +Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics
    • 1. Positioning and Strategy
    • 2. Tank Concerns
    • 3. Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
  • ×Mythic Strategy
    • 1. Mythic Mode Abilities
      • 1.1. The Paraxis
        • 1.1.1. Final Doom
        • 1.1.2. Paraxis Inquisitor
      • 1.2. Feedback Crystals
        • 1.2.1. Green Crystal
        • 1.2.2. Blue Crystal
        • 1.2.3. Yellow Crystal
        • 1.2.4. Red Crystal
    • 2. Strategy and Positioning
      • 2.1. Example Assignments
        • 2.1.1. Group 1
        • 2.1.2. Group 2
        • 2.1.3. Paraxis Groups
    • 3. Changelog

General Information

On this page, you will find a list of changes between Normal/Heroic modesand Mythic mode, as well as a working strategy to defeat Eonar the Life-Binderin Antorus, the Burning Throne in Mythic mode.

The other pages of our Eonar the Life-Binder guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.


Mythic Mode Abilities


The Paraxis

The Paraxis is an area that can be accessed on the Mythic version of theencounter. The Paraxis can be accessed by running into one of the fourgreen crystals that spawn adjacent to the Essence of Eonar. Eachcrystal can only be used a single time by a single player, and after being used,it will disappear until the next cast of Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (1) Final Doom.

Each player may only visit the Paraxis once per encounter.


Final Doom

Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (2) Final Doom is cast periodically by the Paraxis, and it willwipe the raid and end the current pull if it successfully completes. FinalDoom can only be interrupted once the Paraxis Inquisitor has beendefeated by interacting with one of the 4 feedback crystals in theroom. It is cast a total of 4 times throughout the duration of theencounter.


Paraxis Inquisitor

A single Paraxis Inquisitor will be present on the Paraxis eachtime a Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (3) Final Doom cast begins. The Inquisitor must be defeated inorder for Final Doom to be averted. The Inquisitor has 4 abilities:

  • Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (4) Mind Blast deals moderate Shadow damage to a random target and canbe interrupted.
  • Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (5) Pain is applied to a random target and deals ticking Shadowdamage until it is dispelled.
  • Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (6) Wrack is a channeled spell that deals moderate Shadow damageevery second until it is interrupted.
  • Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (7) Torment is only cast if there are no players within meleerange, and deals moderate Shadow damage every second until it isinterrupted.

Additionally, the Paraxis Inquisitor will enter itsEonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (8) Death Throes upon reaching 20% health, dealing additional anduninterruptible Shadow damage to the group until it dies.


Feedback Crystals

There are four Feedback Crystals in the Paraxis' room that can be used oncethe Paraxis Inquisitor is killed. Interacting with a crystal interruptsEonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (9) Final Doom and applies a permanent debuff, and each crystal can only beused a single time.


Green Crystal

The green crystal applies a debuff called Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (10) Feedback - Targeted. TheParaxis "locks on" to the player for the remainder of the encounter; each timean ability is used by the Paraxis, the debuffed player is always one of thetargets.


Blue Crystal

The blue crystal applies a debuff called Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (11) Feedback - Arcane Singularity.This causes the target to pulse every 25 seconds, dealing Arcane damage toanyone within 10 yards and interrupting friendly spell casts.


Yellow Crystal

The yellow crystal applies a debuff called Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (12) Feedback - Foul Steps.Each step the afflicted player takes applies a stacking Shadow damage DoT.


Red Crystal

The red crystal applies a debuff called Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (13) Feedback - Burning Embers.This causes the target to pulse every 30 seconds, dealing Fire damage to thetarget and any allies within 8 yards. Anyone hit, including the afflictedplayer, is knocked into the air.


Strategy and Positioning

The raid will need to organize 4 groups to send to the Paraxis eachtime Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (14) Final Doom is cast. Each group should consist of 3 DPS playersand a single healer. Be sure to balance in a healthy amount of Melee DPS ineach group as they generally have their interrupt cooldowns available themost frequently, which is necessary for defeating theParaxis Inquisitor.

The Paraxis groups should include the DPS with the best single targetcooldowns in order to ensure the Paraxis Inquisitor is defeated quicklyand consistently. You should also establish the players assigned to interactwith the feedback groups. In general:

  • The green crystal can be used by anyone, though this player will needextra healing due to Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (15) Feedback - Targeted.
  • The blue crystal should be used by a Hunter if possible, as they willnot be interrupted by Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (16) Feedback - Arcane Singularity and do not need tostand near other players. Melee DPS are also perfectly acceptable for thisduty.
  • The yellow crystal should be used by a Healer, as they will never sufferfrom range issues and know exactly how many stacks they will be able to safelysuffer through. Restoration Druids are good candidates as they use theirmobility cooldowns to traverse the arena without generating as many stacks.
  • The red crystal should be used by a Ranged DPS or Healer that can avoidfall damage. This player has to ensure they are never within 8 yards of allieswhen the Feedback debuff pulses. Mages and Restoration Druids are particularlygood candidates as their blink abilities are perfectly suited to the job.

Each time the Paraxis Inquisitor is killed, the current Paraxisgroup can depart the Legion ship by exiting on the balcony and using theirEonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (17) Surge of Life to rejoin the rest of the raid on the main platforms.

The players on the main platform will always be split into 2 groups, asthere are typically always 2 portals spawning simultaneously on Mythic. Thesegroups should be appropriately balanced so that the Paraxis assignments do notleave either group too weak while they are away. This means that the Paraxisgroups should generally use 2 players from each group. Each group must haveone tank to deal with the large Legion reinforcements.

There will be a couple of leftover DPS (usually 2 with standard Mythicraid group role distribution) that never go to the Paraxis, as the Tanks willnever visit the Paraxis either. These DPS should be your best sustained AoEdamage dealers that can also provide snares to limit the effectiveness ofthe Legion troops. The absolute best candidates for this are AfflictionWarlocks using Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (18) Sacrolash's Dark Strike in combination with theEonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (19) Absolute Corruption talent. If your raid group has two Warlocks, theyshould be able to nearly solo every large wave while concurrently applyingsnares to all targets. Balance Druids are also very good for fulfilling thisrole.

The portals should be assigned in advance, ideally using an add-on suchas Angry Assignments. They can also be assigned as they appear, however thiscould be confusing for some players. The portal order for Mythic is shownbelow:

  • Wave 01: Middle path: Fel-Infused Destructor +Felguards and Fel Hounds
  • Wave 02: Upper path: Fel-Infused Destructor + 2x Fel Lordsand waves of Fel Hounds
  • Wave 03: Lower path: Fel-Charged Obfuscator +Fel Hounds
  • First Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (20) Final Doom/Paraxis Group #1
  • Wave 04: Middle path: Fel-Powered Purifier +Felguards
  • Wave 05: Lower path: Fel-Infused Destructor +Felguards and Fel Hounds
  • Wave 06: Middle path: Fel-Powered Purifier + Fel Lords
  • Wave 07: Upper path: Fel Hounds
  • Second Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (21) Final Doom/Paraxis Group #2
  • Wave 08: Airborne: Volant Kerapterons
  • Wave 09: Lower path: Fel-Powered Purifier +Felguards
  • Third Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (22) Final Doom/Paraxis Group #3
  • Wave 10: Airborne: Volant Kerapterons
  • Wave 11: Middle path: Fel-Charged Obfuscator +Fel Lords
  • Wave 12: Lower path: Fel Hounds
  • Wave 13:Upper path: Fel-Charged Obfuscator +Fel-Powered Purifier + Felguards + Fel Hounds
  • Fourth Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (23) Final Doom/Paraxis Group #4
  • Wave 14: Airborne: Volant Kerapterons
  • Wave 15: Middle: Fel-Infused Destructor + Fel Lords
  • Wave 16: Lower: Fel-Charged Obfuscator + Fel Lords
  • Wave 17: Upper: Fel-Infused Destructor + Fel Lords

The first wave of adds can be dealt with by both groups before they splitoff to their assigned paths. Waves 2 and 3 spawn within seconds of each other,however the Upper path spawn is much further away, and thus the group assignedto Wave #2 should leave early.

A separate group comprised of Ranged DPS with strong cleave/multi DoT shouldalso be assigned to deal with the Volant Kerapterons. Shadow Priests,Affliction Warlocks, and Balance Druids make the best candidates. This groupwill split from their assigned group only for each bat wave before returning totheir assigned positions. The bats group may need a Healer to ensure they arewithin range, depending on who is assigned.


Example Assignments

Your raid group may assign portal waves to groups to suit your preference.These groups are here as an example, or in case you want to copy/pastethem into your assignments.


Group 1

  1. Middle
  2. Upper
  3. Lower
  4. Middle
  5. Bats
  6. Lower
  7. Bats
  8. Middle
  9. Middle

Only players assigned to deal with Volant Kerapterons should dealwith "Bats" waves.


Group 2

  1. Middle
  2. Lower
  3. Middle
  4. Lower
  5. Upper
  6. Bats
  7. Lower
  8. Bats
  9. Lower
  10. Upper


Paraxis Groups

Paraxis groups should have 1 Healer and 3 DPS with an even balance ofinterrupts to ensure the Paraxis Inquisitor is safely dealt with.

⋘Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics



  • 02 Feb. 2018: Page added.

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Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic Strategy/Tactics (2024)


How to stop final doom in Eonar? ›

At regular intervals throughout the fight, the Paraxis casts Final Doom. If this cast is successful, the Paraxis will kill the entire raid. To interrupt the cast, players must enter the Paraxis by standing on one of the four crystals that spawn next to the Essence of Eonar.

How do you engage Eonar? ›

To start the fight you interact with the Essence of Eonar. This will start spawning the waves that you need to battle against for the rest of the encounter. The Paraxis will also be present, flying around overhead whilst sending down damaging spells onto the raid.

How to get to Eonar in Antorus? ›

Eonar the Life-Binder can be accessed after defeating the Garothi Worldbreaker in Antorus the Burning Throne. Players may attempt Eonar the Life-Binder, the Felhounds of Sargeras, Antoran High Command or Portal Keeper Hasabel in any order.

Can we skip Eonar in Antorus? ›

As Eonar is bugged currently (9.1), for Mythic Antorus, you need to have at least one player in your group having completed this quest, in order to skip Eonar and fight the rest of Antorus.

How to get diamond Eonar? ›

Diamond Cards in TITANS

Eonar, the Life-Binder—Obtained by completing the TITANS Legendary Collector Achievement.

Who is the final boss in Doom Classic? ›

The Spiderdemon is king of the hill in Doom, on E3M8: Dis. The Spiderdemon (also known as the Spider Mastermind, as named in The Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom and the Depths of Doom Trilogy's manual) is the final boss of the first Doom, and in the final episode of The Ultimate Doom, Thy Flesh Consumed.

How do I get to Antoran High Command Mythic? ›

Antoran High Command is the third boss in Antorus, the Burning Throne; available December 5th on Mythic. Antoran High Command is available after defeating Garothi Worldbreaker.

How do I go to Imonar? ›

Imonar is available after defeating the Felhounds of Sargeras, Antoran High Command, Portal Keeper Hasabel and completing the Eonar encounter. The infamous Imonar serves as the Legion's bloodhound, capable of tracking prey across the cosmos.

How to get shackled in Ur Zul? ›

The Shackled Ur'zul is a very rare drop from Argus the Unmaker, the final boss of Antorus, the Burning Throne, on Mythic difficulty.

Where is Eonar the life binder? ›

Eonar the Life-Binder is a tower defense-like encounter in Antorus, the Burning Throne, located at the Elarian Sanctuary on Elunaria. Players must defend the Essence of Eonar against waves of Burning Legion forces from the Paraxis until she can deal enough damage to the ship to destroy it.

How do I get to Aggramar in Antorus? ›

Antorus Guides

Aggramar is available after defeating both the Coven of Shivarra and Varimathras. Once the noble Avenger of the Pantheon, Aggramar was struck down by Sargeras and reborn as a titan of destruction. He now stands at the core of Argus, guarding a power that could unmake the universe.

How do I get to Argus the Burning Throne? ›

Antorus, the Burning Throne is a raid on Argus, in the Antoran Wastes. It is entered from a crack below the artillery platform near Felfire Armory, not the main gate, which kills all who walk near it.

Where is Antoran Charhound? ›

This item is a very rare drop from the Felhounds of Sargeras in Antorus, the Burning Throne.

Is Mythic Operation Mechagon Soloable? ›

It is definitely clearable solo! ilvl 205 as of clear in Shadowlands.

Can you solo mythic Jaina Dragonflight? ›

According to numerous Reddit reports, Mythic Jaina is easier to solo with the launch of Dark Heart. In the off-boat phase, she won't freeze you anymore, which is a relief since that mechanic was the main cause of deaths during solo attempts. Mythic Jaina appears to be soloable as of patch 10.2. 7!

Is Blackrock Foundry mythic soloable? ›

You can solo Mythic at that ilevel. There are mechanics to be aware and of, and it can be a little glitchy in places (like Hans and Franz sometimes resetting if you don't keep hitting both), but it's more than doable. My level 120 Fire Mage has solo'd it on Mythic with little problems.

Can you solo Antorus mythic in Dragonflight? ›

Realistically you can solo all Legion raids in pretty much questing greens, though some people find mythic Eonar mechanically challenging because you have to move around the area a lot (personally I soloed mythic Antorus on my Paladin without any real need to self heal).

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